Our Projects

Strengthening CSO’s role for supporting responsive and accountable   governance towards ensuring environmental and land right

The overall objective/Goal: to revitalize and functionalize, strengthen the existing CSOs platforms, establish and strengthen new ones, study on national and international level policy and legal frameworks on resources governance and other standards and Advocacy

Project Implementation Period: Sep. 15/2021-March 14/2023

Funding Agency: Civil Society Support program Phase 2 (CSSP2 was  funded by the people of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden and Norway managed by the British Council, in consortium with PACT UK and Social Development Direct

Geographical Area of Interventions-Afar Region-Ethiopia  

Major intervention area: revitalizing and functionalizing existing CSOs platforms initiatives, Establishing and strengthening  new CSOs platforms initiatives, Study on national and international level policy and legal frameworks and other standards; and Advocacy, constructive policy dialogue and dissemination.