Project Timeframe: One Year (August 01, 2018 to July 31, 2019)
Funding Organization: World Food Programme
Location of the project: Afar region, Aysaita and Berhale Refugee camps
The relived programme will contribute to WFP Strategic Results Relief and Refugees Access to Food and Social Protection Safety Nets. To increase the employment opportunities, employability skills, income-generation or food production opportunities of the targeted refugees and host communities so that they become food secure, more self-reliant and less dependent on donor assistance in Aysaita and Berhale Camps. The programme will seek to increase the capacity of households and individuals to provide for themselves by protecting and or enhancing their income, skills and assets in ways that support their priorities and goals. The intervention will seek to foster local integration of refugees through joint activities that target both vulnerable refugee households and host community through training, re-skilling and skills development. The intervention will increase the capacity of refugees and host families, providing them job opportunities to reduce poverty and increase self-reliance. The goal of the proposed youth empowerment component is that youth, aged 15-24, are empowered to bring about positive change and social cohesion in their communities, and build employability skills.