About OSD

Organization for Sustainable Development (OSD) is a non -profit organization registered as local NGO in 23 June 2011. It has a General Assembly (GA) at the apex. Under the GA, there is a board of directors and an office of secretariat that leads the overall activities of the organization.  The secretariat of OSD has 83 staff members composed of 43 professional employees with Masters and first degree owners and 40 technical workers.

  • OSD was established by Founding members initiative; Mr. Mohammed Ahmed, the present Executive Director, taking the lead, to implement sustainable community development programs and to relieve poverty and to improve the food security status of the community through supporting the National environmental protection and rehabilitation and pro-poor program objectives. Thus, OSD was emerged to making the National Environmental Protection (NEP) and Rehabilitation interventions objectives central to combat climate change, enhance livelihood.

  • While continuing to expand these interventions; the organization currently, has shown greater leap in multiple engagement including Emergency Response, disaster risk preparedness, life-saving, and resilience building programs, humanitarian programs, community empowerment, governance/social accountability, gender, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Energy and health services, and education etc.

Organizational Management

Organizational Structure

Our Vision

  •     OSD wants to see a prosperous safe-guarded host, refugees and IDP communities whose well-beings are protected in a shared living environment harmoniously

Our mission

  •    safe-guard the rights and well-being and responding to the hosts, refugees, IDP communities needs both at emergency as well as protracted settlement and create a better future for all in a shared better protected environment”.

OSD Objectives

  • To expand the environmental protection, development land-rehabilitation programs to enhance employment and better future of the host, refugees and IDP communities
  • To introduce an inclusive livelihood development schemes to specifically benefit the of vulnerable groups of the community .
  • To create safe access to alternative source of energy and energy for cooking, lighting and productive use
  • To engage in energy and energy efficiency and reforestation programs with the objective to carbon emission reduction and climate change
  • To enhance an integrated life-saving and resilience building, Emergency Response, disaster risk preparedness, community empowerment, governance/social accountability, gender and gender in equality plans/programs for the host, refugees IDPs and the vulnerable groups
  • To provide access to clean and potable water, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Energy, Shelter and NFI, health and education services, etc.
  • To increase household income and economic activities through on-farm as well off-farm economic/income sources programs.
  • To create knowledge transfer and skill development platforms for the community to assist it exercise its decision-making rights in development as well in asking/keeping its rights and responsibilities
  • To enhance capacities, skills and preparedness of the community to withstand and manage drought & disaster risks
             Geographical Area of Interventions
  • North, North -east, East and South East of the country


  • Sustainability – We enable communities to own each project to ensure its sustainability
  • Trust – Ensuring transparency at all levels of our work
  • Proficiency – Providing creative expertise and strong commitment
  • Solidarity – harmony within our charity organization and with the people we aim to support
  • Justice – fairness within our charity organization as well as in society
  • Integrity – to act according to the values we wish to promote.
  • Flexibility – Showing our willingness to change and learn