Project Objective/Goal: contribute to the reduction of hhs vulnerability through forced displacement in Guyah IDP camp and Serdo refugees camp

Project Implementation Period: 15/05/2022-15/11/2022

Donor Agency: Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH)

Geographical Area of Interventions-AFAR REGION-ETHIOPIA  

Major intervention areas:  Refugees, IDPs and the vulnerable host communities access an integrated emergency life-saving assistance

Fig.3. multi-sectroral lifesaving and recovery assistance for most at risk refugees, IDPs and host communities in Yalo and Gulina Woredas-Afar Region

Environmental protection and rehabilitation: – OSD in collaboration with UNHCR, since 2014 established nursery sites in both Aysita and Berhale woredas of Afar region and planted more than 20,000 trees with the survival rate of 85%. The plantation was carried out 75% in the refugee camps and 25% in the host community (schools, institutions, private owners…etc) compounds. OSD achieved also to erect 6.5 km water pipe from awash river to Aysita refugee camp for the watering of trees planted in the green areas. In Berhale also we have established water from a borehole for the purpose of watering the nursery site and planted trees in the camp. The nursery sites and plantation of trees are still going on annually with improved seeds suitable for desert weather.

OSD since 2014 in collaboration with WFP and DKH intervened in livelihood diversification in the refugee camps through vegetable production & business related income generating activities for refugee HHS. In this regard, since 2014 more than 1300 refugee HHs are reached to produce their own vegetable using kitchen garden and cultivation land. We have applied MSG (mass storey garden) technology in their back yards to produce own vegetable for food basket diversification. In addition, more than 60 refugee HHs are organized in IGA established own business center of cold drinks and purchased donkey carts for local freight transportation business. Regarding the briquette production, there 30 unemployed youth organized in IGA by OSD who produce and sell briquette.

 OSD since 2014 in collaboration with UNHCR has achieved to distribute more than 2000 solar lantern / lumps for the refugees HHs in Aysita and Berhale camps. In addition, since 2017, OSD in collaboration with the German donor called DKH (Diakonie katastrophenhilfe) established a briquette manufacturing plant in Aysita and distributing briquette for 1000 refugee HHs throughout the 2018 and this number will increase annually by 1000 until it covers all the refugee HHs in both camps who are more than 5000 HHs at the current time. The briquette are made of  prosopis tree branches which are very invasive and harming the pastoralists by invading their grazing land. The regional and federal government of Ethiopia are looking for the solution to overcome this invading plant and OSD achieved to come up with solution that help the unemployed youth of the region to find their livelihood. OSD also achieved to obtain the right to use the tree for briquetting purpose

OSD in collaboration with TIKA and DIyanet foundation of Turkey, (2014-2015)improved the lives of  thousands of citizens in Kilte’awul’elo district of Tigray region through creating four shallow-well /hand dug wells. In collaboration with French Embassy (2015),Improved and sustained productivity of aquatic environment with collective action of the lake conservation in one-year project period. Laid fertile ground for conservation of the biodiversity in the district including the lake Ashenge.

OSD in collaboration with Tika & Diyanet foundation of Turkey (2014-2015), distributed support materials such as (air contioner,fan, patient bed, ultra sound machine, Electrolye Machine,microcope binuclar,..etc.) for Aysita Hospital, the hospital that surves both the refugees and host community.

OSD from 2014-to date in collaboration with Tika& Dyanet foundation of Turkey, distributing relief food items composed of (10kg rice, 5li oil, 5kg sugar, 10kg wheat flour,) once annually every year for 2500 refugee HHs in Aysita refugee camps.

Organization for Sustainable Development (OSD) is a non -profit organization registered as local NGO in 23 June 2011. It has a General Assembly (GA) at the apex. Under the GA, there is a board of directors and an office of secretariat that leads the overall activities of the organization.  The secretariat of OSD has 83 staff members composed of 43 professional employees with Masters and first degree owners and 40 technical workers.

  • OSD was established by Founding members initiative; Mr. Mohammed Ahmed, the present Executive Director, taking the lead, to implement sustainable community development programs and to relieve poverty and to improve the food security status of the community through supporting the National environmental protection and rehabilitation and pro-poor program objectives. Thus, OSD was emerged to making the National Environmental Protection (NEP) and Rehabilitation interventions objectives central to combat climate change, enhance livelihood.
  • While continuing to expand these interventions; the organization currently, has shown greater leap in multiple engagement including Emergency Response, disaster risk preparedness, life-saving, and resilience building programs, humanitarian programs, community empowerment, governance/social accountability, gender, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Energy and health services, and education etc.

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